If you ever find a great deal on strawberries, BUY THEM! I got 8 lbs of strawberries for $9. You might ask yourself, "what on earth would I do with that many strawberries? Wouldn't they go bad before they get a chance to be eaten?" Well I made exactly three batches of strawberry freezer jam with it!(compliments to my mother-in-law's amazing recipe) and it was super easy. I didn't have time to make it when I first got them but I didn't want to pass up an amazing deal so I washed them and blended them all up and put them in the freezer for when I was ready. A couple days later I just defrosted them and mixed in all the ingredients and bada-bing-bada-boom I was done. Easy as pie...or at least delicious jam:) So here is the recipe:
-5 cups of strawberries mashed or blended (blending I found was a lot easier and there are not as many chunks)
-2 cups of sugar
-3 T of Clear Jel
-1/2 cup of corn syrup
I really liked using the Clear Jel instead of Pectin, which is what most jam recipes use. It thickened the jam without me having to heat it up and I used a LOT less sugar then most pectin recipes require. All I did was mix it all together. Then I just put them in some Tupperware and put it in the freezer.
Over all I think I spent about $4 per batch which made me about 3 Tupperwares of Jam. An medium jar of jam from the store cost about $3.30. So I got about quite a bit for a little price which is always nice.
Ashley! I am so glad you posted this! Though I've not had a lucky find on strawberries, I'm glad to know the recipe is out there! :) Thanks!