Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It's a new year,and the Walton family is doing well. This month has already flown by and I can not believe my baby will be turning one this year. Avalie is cruising around and getting into everything and never sits still! She loves to make animal sounds, especially a goat sound which always makes everyone laugh. We recently found out she was allergic to Penicillin when she broke out in hives one morning after taking her antibiotic for and ear infection, but she is fine now, luckily.Layton is loving his new job as an account executive at Chesbro Music Company. It has been a good change of pace for the whole family, and I just feel very blessed to have such a wonderful husband who provides.
8 months (Dec)

I took these pictures just for a fun photoshoot :)

Daddy and Avie love hats!

Eating Pizza with the family

9 months old (Jan)

Piggy tail
 Christmas and new years were wonderful and it we are looking forward to our 2 year anniversary in a month!
                                            The Waltons